Functional groups (Organic chemistry)


organic chemistry

A Functional group is an atom or group of atoms in a molecule that gives the molecule and it's characteristic chemical properties.

Double and triple bonds are functional groups, other examples include
-Cl, Br, -OH, -NH groups.

Remember that the functional group is the action group, the hydrocarbon portion inert.
CH3CH2CH2CH2CH2  ̶  OH    ←  Functional group 
Hydrocarbon portion.

We often use the symbol R - to represent the hydrocarbon portion to which the functional group is attached.

Thus R- can be CH3, CH3CH2 (CH3)2 CH - or any other  group of  C and H atoms with one free valence by which the functional group is attached.

Organic chemistry
Each functional group undergoes characteristic reactions.

The concept of functional group is important to organic chemistry for these reactions:-

1. Functional group serve as basis for nomenclature of organic compounds.
2. Functional groups serve to classify organic compound into classes. All compounds with the same functional group belong to the same class.
3. A functional group is a site of chemical reactivity in a molecule. Compounds in the same class have similar chemical properties.

A molecule can contain more than one functional group it is then said to be poly functional, and the properties of each functional group may be modified by the presence of the other.


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