Cutting of DNA with Endonucleases

 Endonucleases, often referred to as restriction enzymes, are enzymes that cut DNA at specific recognition sites. These sites are usually palindromic sequences, meaning the sequence of nucleotides reads the same backward as forward. There are several key aspects to understand about how endonucleases cut DNA:

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Types of Endonucleases

  1. Type I Endonucleases:

    • Cut DNA at random sites far from their recognition sequences.
    • Require ATP and S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) for activity.
    • Also has methylase activity, which modifies DNA to protect it from cleavage.
  2. Type II Endonucleases:

    • Cut DNA at specific sites within or close to their recognition sequences.
    • Do not require ATP for their activity.
    • Most commonly used in molecular biology for genetic engineering and cloning.
  3. Type III Endonucleases:

    • Cut DNA at sites a short distance away from their recognition sequences.
    • Require ATP for activity and have methylase activity.
  4. Type IV Endonucleases:

    • Recognize modified, typically methylated DNA.
    • Cut near or within the recognition sequence.

Mechanism of Action

  1. Recognition: The endonuclease scans the DNA molecule until it finds its specific recognition sequence. This sequence is usually a short, palindromic segment of 4-8 base pairs.

  2. Binding: Once the enzyme finds its recognition sequence, it binds to the DNA at this site. This binding often causes a conformational change in the enzyme and sometimes in the DNA.

  3. Cleavage: The enzyme cuts the DNA backbone. Type II restriction enzymes typically make two cuts, one in each strand of the DNA, within or very close to the recognition site. This can result in:

    • Blunt ends: Cuts are made directly opposite each other, producing straight ends.
    • Sticky ends: Cuts are staggered, producing overhanging ends. These overhangs can be either 5' or 3' overhangs, depending on the specific enzyme.


  1. Molecular Cloning: Restriction enzymes are used to cut both plasmid DNA and DNA fragments containing genes of interest. The sticky ends produced by the cuts allow the DNA fragments to be easily joined together using another enzyme called DNA ligase.

  2. Genetic Engineering: By cutting and splicing DNA in specific ways, scientists can insert new genes into organisms, producing genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

  3. Genomic Mapping: Restriction enzymes can be used to cut genomic DNA into smaller fragments, which can then be analyzed to create restriction maps. These maps provide valuable information about the location of genes and other elements within the genome.

  4. Diagnostic Tools: Restriction enzymes are used in techniques such as Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism (RFLP) analysis to detect variations in DNA sequences that can be associated with diseases or genetic conditions.

Example: EcoRI

  • Recognition sequence: GAATTC
  • Cleavage pattern: Cuts between G and A, producing sticky ends with 5' overhangs.


Endonucleases are powerful tools in molecular biology, enabling precise manipulation of DNA. Their ability to recognize specific sequences and cut DNA at these sites is fundamental to many genetic engineering, cloning, and diagnostic techniques.

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