Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis is a widely used technique in molecular biology to separate nucleic acids (DNA or RNA) based on their size. 


  1. Principle:
    Agarose gel electrophoresis works by applying an electric field to a gel matrix (made of agarose, a polysaccharide derived from seaweed). DNA and RNA are negatively charged due to their phosphate backbone, so when an electric current is applied, they move toward the positive electrode (anode).

  2. Gel Matrix:
    Agarose gel forms a porous network. The pore size is inversely related to the agarose concentration: a higher concentration of agarose creates smaller pores, better suited for separating smaller fragments of DNA, while a lower concentration is used for larger fragments.

  3. Separation Based on Size:
    Smaller nucleic acid fragments can move through the gel more easily and travel faster, while larger fragments are hindered and move more slowly. Thus, the fragments are separated based on their size, with smaller fragments migrating farther through the gel.

  4. Visualization:
    After electrophoresis, the separated DNA or RNA fragments are stained using dyes such as ethidium bromide or safer alternatives like SYBR Green. These dyes bind to nucleic acids and fluoresce under UV light, allowing visualization of the bands corresponding to the nucleic acid fragments.

  5. Applications:

    • DNA Fragmentation Analysis: To analyze DNA after restriction enzyme digestion.
    • PCR Product Analysis: To verify the size of amplified DNA fragments.
    • Purification: For the extraction of specific DNA fragments from a mixture.
    • DNA Sequencing and Genetic Fingerprinting: Used in forensic science and genetic research.
  6. Steps Involved:

    • Gel Preparation: Agarose is dissolved in a buffer solution, poured into a casting tray, and allowed to solidify.
    • Sample Loading: DNA samples are mixed with a loading dye (to track progress) and loaded into wells of the solidified gel.
    • Electrophoresis: The gel is placed in an electrophoresis chamber, submerged in a buffer, and an electric field is applied.
    • Visualization: After running the gel, the fragments are visualized using UV light.

This technique is crucial for routine genetic studies, diagnostics, and research in molecular biology.

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